I have Alzheimer’s in my family, so this post is for me too. And, let’s face it; everyone could use tips for staying active to be as healthy as they can be. My sweet mother had the disease, as well as my grandfather. So, I always have that nagging warning in the back of my mind.
The Lord took mom with breast cancer before the Alzheimers got too bad. I’m definitely a believer in things always happening for a reason. <3
This blog post isn’t JUST for Alzheimer’s patients; however, I have good points for those people that do have it. π
This blog post is also excellent for grandmothers! Me, me, me! LOL
The second half of the tips shared, I didn’t elaborate. I left that up to YOU. Chime in with your thoughts! π
Right off the top of my head, I can come up with an awesome tip to start.
1) Surround yourself with vivid colors! This can be in the form of your home and decor, your clothing, places, and events that you frequent, painting, and things that you study or even websites you visit often. It can be anything you see, any place you go, or….these vivid colors can be ANYWHERE. Going on a vacation in the fall season would be excellent for viewing all kinds of pretty fall colors! =)
Remembering that vacation, that piece of clothing, that building, that website, for example; would be a lot easier than remembering something that`s rather boring.
2) Consume pomegranate! It can be in the form of seeds, juice, fruit, extract, and powder. According to Authority Nutrition – Health Line dot com, pomegranate is one of the healthiest foods that you can eat. Studies have shown that it’s great for a host of diseases, your physical performance, and the elderly.
Also, pomegranate CAN (help) against Alzheimer’s disease.
3) Surround yourself with good friends! Socializing with human friends is awesome for giving your brain a boost. In fact, it’s all-around good for (ANYONE at ANY age).
Studies also show that healthy friends and relationships help support emotional health. Notice how much better you feel after getting out with friends on a particular day or evening! π
If you don’t get together with humans on a regular basis, you can start to volunteer somewhere, visit your local church or community, go to bingo halls, sign up for purple hat, or join a gym. Just a few ideas there. Although, it’s important to remain close with your family members and friends. See them often and don’t lose touch!
4) Start coloring! Say hey, only kids color! Well, have you noticed all the adult coloring books floating around the stores?
Yes, it’s true! Pay attention to the trends in coloring. Many adults now have coloring books and are creating many beautiful works of art. Some are going beyond coloring and engaging in drawing and painting. In fact, charcoal drawing is quite popular today.
Also, the outlet of letting your mind go and just creating is remarkably therapeutic! Paying attention to all that you create can sharpen your mind considerably. This can also help with self-esteem.
5) Go back to school! Excellent for keeping the brain active. Also, this one is definitely for any age for people that quit school or the elderly that are retired and suddenly have extra time on their hands.
6) Do some type of activity/workout on a daily basis! Enough said! lol
7) Take daily multivitamins with good nutritional quality! Some people don’t like or simply do not believe in them. That’s fine; however, there are some good vitamins and herbs out there that CAN help with memory and energy.
8) Participate in games! These games can be card games, trivia, video games, and memory games.
9) Try to get some ZZZ’s during the day! Get in a good habit of taking a nap every day. You may not realize just how beneficial this can be with memory and general brain function. A daytime nap will benefit you almost as much as your sleep during the night. It only takes 30 minutes or less.
10) Get interested in word find books, crossword puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles! I’ve always liked the word find books and of course, jigsaw puzzles. Crossword puzzles, not so much.
These activities consistently engage and stimulate the brain.
The Following Tips Are For My Readers and Subscribers To Elaborate…I’d Love To Hear From You! π
11) Eat a well-balanced diet! You will also need to eat sugar and fats very moderately.
12) Engage in Meditation and Deep breathing!
13) Invest in a pet!
14) Read every day!
15) Don’t drink alcohol!
16) Start crocheting or knitting daily!
17) Study a foreign language!
18) Don’t smoke!
19) Try a variety of foods when dinning out!
20) Keep your weight in check!
21) Start each day with a great attitude! Beleive in yourself!
Cheers to a healthy, happy life! <3

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