Taken For Granted As a Wife, Mother or Grandmother? Are We Thankful Too?


I’m sure all you Moms can relate to this one if you have a husband…and most of us do??



For Grandmothers too, I’ll get into that a little later in the post. πŸ˜‰



Your Hubby comes home from work and the second he gets inside the door, a routine question spills out of his mouth…

What’s For Supper?

Hmmm, I don’t know about you, but (sometimes, not ALL the time), I resent that simple question! Why???

Well, I don’t have children at home with me anymore, however, I get up at 5AM and workout, then…head straight to my home office and get to work. I work through the day until about 4 or 5PM.

Let me just say, I’m dragging and just plain tuckered, most of the time!!! :/ Now of course, my workload is not heavy labored, and I have a “soft and cushiony work from home job“…LOL!

Keep in mind (with the work I do online), I often get stressed out from my daily workload. Maybe I have an easy “J O B,” however, (not so easy sometimes), I’m tired just the same!

I often deal with important business decisions, transactions, refunds, dealing with my customers, and always striving to keep them happy…for the most part! It’s NOT always easy, like a lot of people seem to think. πŸ˜‰

I dearly love my Hubby and would not know what I would do without him that’s for sure!! However, when he comes home from his job…his duties/jobs are done for the day.

* Let’s look at what I have to do before retiring for the night…


I have to prepare supper
Clean up
I’m often doing laundry
I’m often paying bills
I often need to do grocery shopping

I also have to check my online workload before going to bed, so with that said; sometimes I’m up rather late trying to respond to my important clients and advertisers.

So, see how this can become resentful sometimes? Mind you…it’s not all the time that I feel this way. LOL Just those extremely tired and stressful days that the specific question of “What’s for Dinner?” can get to me. Again, love my Hubby LOTS! Just sayin… πŸ˜‰

Does any of this strike a cord or ring a bell for any of you?

I know for some work at home moms or wives, their husbands help with daily chores and even with the cooking. If you are “in this category,” you are truly fortunate! Having said that, my Hubby DOES do some grilling on the weekends sometimes, and for that, I’m THANKFUL!

Geeze, I even feel a little guilty for my feelings …sometimes.

The above is from the WIFE part of me…I’ll just skip MOTHER and go straight to GRANDMOTHER.— Only because I have the greatest son and daughter-in-law who loves me unconditionally! πŸ™‚

Grandparenting Tips and Duties

Now grandparenting could betaken for granted as well. I’m sure many grandmothers out there feel this way from time to time, do they not?

For Me…, I’m always ready and willing to babysit my grands…unless I’m unusually tired, (and that is sometimes the case), have to tend to my father, or just go see him, (that is once a week), or I’m just stressed out big time for any given reason. I love my grandkids and love spending time with them. However, I also appreciate my kids taking turns with both grandmas. πŸ˜‰

The bottom line on Grandparenting…

I look at it this way…I want my grands to remember me when I’m old and (I) can’t remember them, OR…after I’m gone! That’s my major concern.

Will they remember me through all the tears and laughter?? I am working on that one, and I certainly HOPE SO!

So, you see? That’s why I’m usually eager to say “YES” to my grands!!

YES, I go through those “taking for granted” days, and also my “menopause” BOO-HOO days, however, it just boils down to…

Let me just say, and make very clear; I am so very fortunate to have the family that I have. I’m a lucky woman and Grandma, and always thankful for family and their unconditional love they show every day!

I’d love to hear YOUR thoughts, any takers? πŸ˜‰


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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at MakeUp Products Online .
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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at <a href="https://www.makeupproductsonline.com"><strong>MakeUp Products Online </strong></a>.

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