Good morning! I was delighted to be given the chance to do a review of Donna Riner Weber’s eBook –
Scrapbooking Your Christian Faith.
First of all, I wanted to say that I love Donna’s video from her website below. It was heartfelt and I wanted to share it with you all to inspire you and to uplift you.
I would recommend this eBook in a heartbeat for anyone that is looking to leave something behind regarding scrapbooking and faith to their family, children, grandchildren, mother, daughter and whomever they wish.
It may be your life’s passion for leaving behind something as beautiful as a personal and spiritual legacy
Taken straight from Donna herself…
Become a scrapbook missionary—by sharing your Christian
Faith with other people today and other generations tomorrow
While reading the eBook, I was inspired to begin my own scrapbook for my two grandchildren. However, I’m known for starting craft projects and not finishing them. *Sigh 🙁
I found Donna’s legacy of Scrapbooking Your Christian Faith pleasantly uplifting and incredibly inspirational. What an amazing gift to leave your family members! 🙂
Scripture From Donna
And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished…
Philippians 1:6 (NLT)
I was raised Pentecostal, so I was brought up knowing Jesus as my Savior. I thought sharing my own story of my spiritual upbringing and my favorite scriptures with my grandchildren would be a phenomenal way I could share my heart and myself with them. 🙂
The Faithbook Layout Includes 3 Generations
* Donna’s mother
* Donna’s son
* Donna’s granddauther
Donna has a ton of invaluable tools for you to put together and incorporate thoughtful and beautiful memories in your scrapbook of faith. They are as follows…
* Photos, photos and more photos
* Basic scrapbooking tools
* Picking out the perfect album for your faith book layout and style
* Advice on using page protectors
* Various adhesives for your scrapbook, including permanent or non-permanent
* Offers advice, tips and tools for scrapbook journaling
* Prayer scrapbooking
* Scrapbooking Stories
She also includes four fabulous bonuses in her scrapbooking christian faith eBook
. 🙂
#1 Bonus – How to do matting
#2 Bonus – How to do paper piecing
#3 Bonus – How to do titles
#4 Bonus – How to add some bling
Also features: 3 Generations
In addition, Donna Riner Weber has a special section in the book as “her love letter” to her family and grandkids. I thought, “What a lovely gesture and gift to leave your loved ones!” My favorite part! Also, something that I loved about this treasure of an eBook was all the scriptures she includes throughout. In fact, Donna begins her legacy eBook with some extraordinarily, spiritual scriptures….
Dear God,
I ask that you will be with the one who is reading this
book. As she reflects on the moments found within these
examples, would you remind her of the times you have been
there for her?
Heavenly Father, please guide and inspire her to scrapbook
her own message of faith. Help her to create stories, letters,
and prayers that will show your faithfulness to her and her
loved ones.
Please let this book be a tool to help her share her heart
moments of your presence in her life. Lord, guide her mind,
her heart, and her hands as she creates her own scrapbook
of faith.
May her love and faith reach the hearts of her loved ones as
well as those of future generations.
In the powerful name of Jesus, I ask you for those blessings
for my reader.
Taken straight from Donna:
Last on this list but first in my heart—Thanks to:
My God Our Creator and My Lord Jesus Christ
who gives me every happy moment I live
and helps me through every moment I struggle.
Donna’s focus has been reflecting on God’s work as she created her Faith
To get this delightful eBook, go to
Disclosure Statement: I was compensated for this review. However, my thoughts and opinions expressed are original and in my own words, and of Donna Weber
You can find Donna below on Facebook and Twitter 🙂
Tweets by DonnaRinerWeber

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