By: Donna Riner Weber – A grandmother and a strong woman of God! =)
I Personally Loved Her Welcome Video On Her New WebSite!
It was extraordinarily heart-felt!
Nana, MeMa, Gigi, Granny, whatever your AKA, God has a divine mission for YOU!
When the Israelites had been in the wilderness 40 years, God told Joshua that Moses was dead and he needed to get his people ready.
Joshua listened to God, prepared his people and led the new generation into the Promised Land.
The Grandmothers Bible compares us (Grandmothers) to Joshua, in that God has called us to prepare our future generations and lead them to Him.
It is our divine mission to teach our grandchildren about God’s love and how He has been faithful in our lives. But how can you teach your grandchild about God’s presence in your life?
Of course one way is through the life you live. Another is by telling your grandchild stories. But while we need to do that, over time some of our stories will be forgotten.
There’s another way you can try to ensure that God’s Presence in your life will be remembered—through Scrapbooking Your Faith (Faithbooking.)
Three simple ways to Scrapbook Your Faith
The Bible teaches us to “Ponder and meditate on it (God’s Holy Word) day and night, making sure you practice everything written it in. Then you’ll get where you’re going: then you’ll succeed.” Joshua 1:8 (MSG)
To help teach your future generations about the scriptures, you can adhere one of your favorite verses by the photo of your grandchild. You may choose a scripture which you’ve used to pray for your grandchild.
Write a prayer especially for each grandchild. Let it be a Blessing. You may write just one prayer or write one occasionally as he matures through different stages. You might decide to write one each year on her birthdays.
Stories of Faith:
As Christians you have had experiences where you know without a doubt that God intervened. Maybe a collision was averted or you lived through an accident when the doctor had said you wouldn’t make it. Perhaps you had a baby after you had been told you’d never be able to have one or maybe God blessed your home with a precious little adopted child. Share these stories of God’s Faith.
Grandma, whatever your story of faith is, you do have one and it is your responsibility to tell your grandchild about God’s love and His presence in your life. “One generation makes known your faithfulness to the next.” Isaiah 38:19 (TLB)
Let him/her know that while everyone experiences problems, God has been there for you and He will be there for them. Through your scriptures, pictures, prayers and stories of faith teach them about God’s presence in your life. Through your Faithbook Give them Hope for their Future.
Scripture taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson, 1993, 1994, 1995. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
Scripture marked (TLB) are taken from The Living Bible ©1971 Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, IL 60187. All rights reserved.
© 2014 Faithbook 101 and Donna Riner Weber
About the Author
Chronic Illness gave Donna more insight into passing on her Christian Faith to the next generation. Becoming a Grandmother made it even more urgent. If you’d like more info about how You can send your Spiritual Message to Your future generations, I’d like to invite you to visit

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