I’ve been saving up one coin at a time for about eight months now.
So, why have I been saving??…
A (very nice) vacation. Hmmm, not quite sure on the “very nice” part though! However, we’ll see about that!
A lot of you are aware I went on a vacation/reunion for the past six days.
Well, I was corrected on the (vacation) part of the above description.
This WAS NOT a vacation…just a family (cousin) reunion. lol
Although, mine was definitely a vacation, getaway for me! YEAH! Furthermore, It was totally what the doctor ordered.
Just a few word-phrases that quickly remind me, YES! It was an excellent getaway! AKA a Cousin Family Reunion <3
1) I’m extensively exhausted.
2) I’m bloated.
3) I’m somewhat broke.
4) Piles of laundry to get done.
5) I’ve yet to (totally) un-pack.
6) I’ve yet to get FULLY committed again on my weight loss journey…tomorrow people! lol
7) My purse is over-loaded with “stuff.”
8) Some of my flowers are wilted.
9) I’ve got the BLAH blues.
10 Muscles are starting to jiggle.
11) My fur baby seems distant
12) I’m going through emails like nobody’s business! lol
13) My phone is overloaded with pictures.
14) Avoiding the scales for a week.
15) I need a nap RIGHT NOW!
Do any of these sound familiar to you!?? lol
What is Family…
Family is considered “Blood relatives living in a caring unit.” However, there are many types of families in modern living. If you look in the dictionary, you’ll find many original definitions.
* A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household
* All the descendants of a common ancestor
* The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children
* A group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head: Household
* A group of people who are related to each other
* A group of related people including people who lived in the past
* A group of usually related individuals who live together under common household authority and especially who have reciprocal duties to each other
Main Categories of Family
* Traditional
I classify this as the “normal’ family unit. You know…like the Archie Bunker type on television. lol
Though less common in today’s society; The traditional family type is Dad working to support the other members while Mom stays at home tending to the children and the home.
* Step
A group of people formed in a caring union through divorce and remarriage, consisting of children coming from separate parents.
* Foster ~~ From
What the foster care system is: a temporary arrangement in which adults provide for the care of a child or children whose birthparent is unable to care for them. Foster care is not where juvenile delinquents go. It is where children go when their parents cannot, for a variety of reasons, care for them.
* Adopted ~~ From
A family where one or more of the children has been adopted. Any structure may also be an adoptive family.
Sometimes children (as well as adults) use the term” real parents” instead of “birth parents.” Be clear that the adoptive parents are the real parents because they are raising the child. Intervene if other children tease an adopted child with comments…such as “That isn’t your real mommy.” Do not automatically assume that any problems a child may be having are due to adoption.
This type of family shares legal bonds but not genetic ones. Two parents may adopt a child to whom they share no blood relationship, or one parent may adopt the child of the other parent. Adopted families can also be defined in an emotional or spiritual sense where no formal legal bonds are present.
* Pets
I have a special fur baby! My kitty, AKA Whinnie is definitely considered my family. <3 <3 <3
We’ve all heard of “Adopt a Pet.” Many people may adopt a special animal when having children is not a possibility, although many people adopt pets into a large living unit consisting of many children.
Pets are considered family members when they are loved and cared for. They are mourned just as much as children are when they pass.
My Version – What is Family
It’s not infinitely about blood relatives, let’s get that out there upfront..Number one!
Family is anyone who supports, (emotionally and financially) one another in a group of people living together.
It could be grandparents permanently taking over the care of their grandchildren; it could be a gay couple adopting children; it could be a single parent loving and supporting their kids.
It’s about being a good “quiet strength,” and truly listening WITHOUT judgment! And, all the while, giving advice (when it’s asked for). It’s about supporting and raising your children the very best you know how while lending a big shoulder to cry on.
It’s also about being there for a family member, (through anything) child, aunt, grandmother, cousin, spouse, etc. for comfort, financial support, emotional support, building self-esteem, sharing compassion, and expressing love and kindness.
I came home from this reunion feeling a little tired; however, feeling awesome, recharged, and ready to apply myself through my goals and my everyday living. I’m ready to tackle whatever comes my way. <3
Thank you for reading!