The Basics That Children Learn In Grade School – Is Home Schooling a Better Option For Your Lifestyle?


When I started to write this blog post, I had no thoughts about discussing homeschooling. It just goes to show you that a blog post can change gears in a blink of an eye while writing. lol 😉

What does a child basically learn in the first few years of grade school? Is it worth it to send them off to a public school? Would your child be better off if they were homeschooled?

Homeschooling certainly has been in my thoughts while imagining our grandchildren starting a public school. A public school is not painting a pretty picture in my eyes; I can tell you that for sure! In today’s day and age, there is a growing population of children that ARE being homeschooled; and with very good reason.

This world has been turned up on its head with what’s been going on in the schools today…and not only schools. These type of crimes are going on all around us; literally everywhere! Kidnappings, shootings; and a whole slew of other things that I dare not mention here on the blog. It’s enough to make you vomit at the sheer thought of all the madness!

first day of school

In hindsight, I remember so vividly when my son got on the bus the first day of school. I just didn’t feel like a good Mom while walking back up our l-o-n-g drive way after the school bus drove away. By the time I got back up to the house, the tears were falling like the rain on a profoundly cloudy day.

I was so worried he would be bullied just like I was in school…I mean he was so little at tender, school-age. I wanted to drive our son to school myself.

However, he was thrilled with excitement about getting on that big yellow bus!

Of course, that’s all he saw was that big bus, and not the big picture that Mom was looking at! LOL

Life royally sucked that day! I felt bad as a parent and a Mom for not taking him (at least the first day). Life would certainly be a whole lot better if bullying was the ONLY thing to be concerned about today. Now, we worry if our children will be returned to us at the end of any given day!

Let’s Discuss What is Actually Taught in Grade School

* Motor Skills – Jump roping, hopscotch and throwing a ball around will for sure teach your child (for the most part) proper motor skills. I realize there is a bit more to it than the 3 things I’ve listed above; however, I think mommies and daddies could handle those tasks, and choose to homeschool.

* Socialization – In order to learn to socialize and get along with others, there needs to be other children around. That issue could be solved fairly easily with trade-off-neighborhood-homeschooling days. There comes a time in every person’s life where they’ll have to connect and make friends where Mom and Dad are not around. It’s called, “Independent Socialization.” Everyone needs to learn to get along with everyone, make friends, and just generally “make their own way” through life. It’s much better for everyone involved if each person learns proper socialization skills and also, properly apply them.

* Manners – Same thing with proper manners; this could be taught by mommies and daddies or perhaps an aunt or uncle, or even grandparents. It’s almost like “socialization;” however, people need to learn to be polite and peaceful with everyone they come in contact with, and not just with friends. Learn to say, “thank you” and “please,” and so forth.

*Self Esteem – Self esteem is taught from a very early age…from infancy even. When your baby takes his fist step or roles over, clap and praise them for it! Learn to praise your children for every single thing that they do or accomplish. Children need this praise and feedback from their parents or guardians in order to feel like they are acceptable and they are also a good child. They need this acceptance from YOU!

* Compassion for Others – We all learn to have respect and compassion for other human beings. Let’s face it, we all want to be treated fairly, correct? We should be taught to treat others like WE would like to be treated ourselves. We are all humans, and we all like to be liked, and treated with compassion.

Kindness is needed as well

For Example: If you saw someone out in the cold without a coat, wouldn’t you want that person to be warm? If you had a coat that you were not wearing, it’s a kind gesture to let them wear the coat. This is also just plain compassion for another person, other than ourselves.

* The Basics in Math and English – We all need to learn the basics of math and english. English is required so we can all communicate with each other without difficulty. If you come from a background where you don’t speak English, you should learn it. Same with other languages. If you surrounded yourself with people that only spoke Spanish, then yes…learn Spanish so you can communicate freely.

The basics of math is required in life as well; whether or not we don’t like to think so. Counting money and purchasing both involve math. Basic ingredients in a recipe even involves math to measure out each ingredient properly. We are always counting, aren’t we? How old we are, how much medicine we take, how many flowers to plant in our yards, how many pairs of jeans or socks we have, and even sheep we count when we can’t sleep. lol

So see; math IS definitely required with living. I think we’ve all heard this: “Why are we taught math in school? We don’t need it or use it.” We use math every single day of the week, so we all must learn at least the basics!

If you intend on homeschooling, it is highly suggested that you take courses in math and English; as when your children approach 5th or 6th grade, your children’s needs go beyond just the basics.

Unless you are a whiz at both. 😉

* History and Science – History and science are 2 other requirements for schooling and learning. I skimmed by with both! LOL…I wasn’t the least bit interested in either one. Taking courses with these is firmly a suggestion. However, if you are a genius as with math and English, then you have no worries. lol

* Physical Education – Yes, PE is a bit more than just motor skills that I’ve mentioned above. PE teaches us about being healthy and active while enjoying life. However, it could be and IS taught at home. In PE, we learn to play sports games. Soft ball, volleyball, soccer and even square dancing…which I hated! lol Oh and tumbling I hated that with the passion!

As parents or guardians, we all have the ability to teach at least the basics of all these elements to our children, (for the most part). However, if you are mentally impaired, of course that is the exception.

Homeschooling is indeed an invaluable option. It’s all a personal preference on how our lifestyles are and what we choose to be acceptable and doable. If you desire to homeschool your children, you have technology to thank for looking up all kinds of information and tutorials with teaching.

Of course, there is always the option of hiring a private teacher; again, personal preference. Your children WOULD be safer learning at home rather than in a public school. It’s a personal choice. A choice that more parents are considering as a safe way to educate their kids with peace of mind. 🙂

I would love to hear your thoughts and tips about homeschooling!


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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at MakeUp Products Online .
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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at <a href=""><strong>MakeUp Products Online </strong></a>.

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