A Few Healthy Eating Tips For Your Holiday Survival





The holidays are just around the corner! Be prepared and Get ahead of the weight loss game NOW!

There are many fortunate people that don’t have a concern in the world about gaining weight during the holidays, or at anytime for that matter. Then we have the unfortunate people that seem to gain weight from just looking at all the festive treats.


For most families the holiday season bring lots of family get togethers and festivities to attend. Of course these times are quite the challenge for those individuals who have weight issues. Let’s face it when you’re watching your waistline, it’s hard to resist when you’re presented with all your culinary favorites. But there are many simple things you can do to help prevent yourself from gaining weight this time of year.

Below are a few tips I’d like to share with you about striving to stay as healthy as possible throughout the holidays. Hopefully they will be of some help.

1. Exercise daily. Make sure you do some type of exercise everyday. Walking is ideal, weather permitting of course. Some people power walk and others just walk normally. Either way is good for you as long as you do it consistently. To make it more enjoyable, get a walking buddy to go walking with you. You may also find it helpful to bring along a cd player or a Mp3 player. When the weather does not cooperate, maybe try out some videos or a treadmill.

2. Make water your best friend. Drinking water daily is healthy for a number of reasons. The main rule about drinking water is it keeps you hydrated of course. But it also aids with weight loss and maintenance. Before sitting down to a lavish holiday meal, drink a full glass of water. You’ll be surprised by how less you will consume at each meal. It’s a good idea to do this before every meal you eat, not just at holiday time.

3. Raw veggies and low fat dips. While out at holiday parties always look for those decorative raw veggie trays. Often times these type of gatherings have them. Opt for healthy veggies over high calorie and high fat foods. Chex mixes are also healthful choices.

4. Small meal or snack before going out. If you’re planning to go out to eat or to a party, eat a very small meal or snack before you leave. This will discourage overeating and will also help to speed up your body’s metabolism.

5. Say “no” to alcohol. Drinking alcoholic beverages is not a good choice if you’re watching your weight. They are loaded with fat and calories. Bottled water or low fat green tea is a much better choice. Also low fat smoothies are always good for you.

6. Baking with unsweetened applesauce. If you love to bake during the holiday season, try substituting applesauce for sugar, butter, or eggs in those recipes. It cuts down considerably on fat and calories. Recently I used unsweetened applesauce in a brownie recipe and both my husband and I really liked them. Try it for yourself in a few of your favorites.

Please Note: Substituting applesauce in some recipes may not work out well. You will need to do some experimenting and maybe some research.

Just by following the simple tips above, you can lower your risk of reading those unwanted higher digits on your scale at the end of holiday time.

Article Written By Tammy Embrich

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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at MakeUp Products Online .
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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at <a href="https://www.makeupproductsonline.com"><strong>MakeUp Products Online </strong></a>.

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