“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, ….

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

My mentor, friend and business partner said something to me this morning that really struck a chord with me this morning that just because you’re successful, doesn’t mean you’ll feel fulfilled.

So many people are out there chasing a recipe for success sold to them on the premise that if you work hard and become wealthy that you’ll feel happy and fulfilled, but it’s not the case, sure it’s an awesome goal to become wealthy after all, poor people can’t help poor people, but if we’re to achieve long term happiness in our lives, we have to look beyond what the world deems as success and invest our time doing something that serves others and brings with it a feeling of fulfillment, and a feeling the world’s a better place for our being here.

As with everything in life, the choice is yours and yours alone; you can become wealthy doing almost anything in life, you may as well do it doing something you love and something that makes you come alive rather than following the well worn path which merely leads eventually to a feeling that you’ve traded your greatest asset, the best years of your life for a dollar.

Ask yourself today, ‘Is the path I’m heading down bringing me the fulfillment I desire rather than simply financial reward and “success”, or is it time I re-evaluated the direction I’m heading and the endeavors I’m pursuing with my time?’

Have an Outstanding Day!
Reprinted with permission of Alex Prez & Motivation in your Mailbox E-ZINE, for more information, visit www.motivationinyourmailbox.com

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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at MakeUp Products Online .
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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at <a href="https://www.makeupproductsonline.com"><strong>MakeUp Products Online </strong></a>.

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