How to Clean Your Bathroom Fast and Effectively – Guest Post

Cleaning is nobody’s favorite past time activity. But when it comes to certain objects and parts of the house, there are things that simply cannot be neglected. One of these places, without a doubt, is the home bathroom. Each member of the household uses it and one can only imagine what it will turn into if nobody takes care of it. As a matter of fact, it’s actually the place where one goes to take a shower, brush the teeth, shave, or in other words – to achieve a clean and neat look.

That is why there is no way you can allow and tolerate a dirty bathroom. And how often have you made a judgment upon a certain host’s cleaning habits, judging simply by the bathroom in their household? More than you imagine. Following is a simple guide to walk you through the mandatory process of bathroom maintenance.


1. Start off by removing everything that can be moved out of the bathroom. Mainly, things that don’t belong there, but also proceed with ordinary bathroom objects – towels, toiletries, toilet paper and so on. You will be using high chemical detergents, and you don’t want any of it touching the surface of objects that will be touching your body afterward. You can even go as far as to removing the shower curtains so that they don’t get in the way.

2. Prepare a list of all the necessary items and make sure you have everything handy once you start the cleaning. You would not want to go in and out of the bathroom numerous times. You know, everything goes smoothly and faster with a list. Make sure you have two pairs of rubber gloves, scrubbers, mops and different types of detergents.

3. Clean shower area or the bathtub first. If the tub is too dirty, it is recommended to apply a strong spray cleanser and to leave it for some time. Don’t forget to remove all the hair that’s trapped in the drain. Also, if it’s too clogged, use a drain cleaner. Clean with a scrubber and rinse afterward. Also, don’t forget to pay attention to the shower area walls, too. A lot of dirt goes in the gaps between the tiles and it also tends to stay there, so be prepared for some serious scrubbing.

4. Proceed with the mirrors and counter tops. For the mirrors, use glass cleaner and wipe with a soft dry rag. You can clean the sink and counter area with the same cleaning product you used for the bath tub. The faucets are not to be neglected as well. Make them clean and sparkling by using a rag. For the hard-to-reach parts, use a toothbrush or cotton swabs.

5. Wipe off the front and tops of cabinets and drawers. For that purpose you can simply use warm soapy water.

6. Clean the toilet bowl next. Since it is the biggest source of germs, pay extra attention to it. Make sure you have an efficient toilet cleaner, one with bleach in it, preferably. Follow the instructions on the back of the container and pour onto the basin of the toilet. Don’t forget the area right under/behind the rim. Let it sit for an hour. Clean the seat, under and behind it, then, the lid. Again, employ a toothbrush for the tricky parts. After you have poured the cleaner, scrub the basin with a toilet brush. Flush it all down.

7. On your way out, mop the floor so that you give the bathroom an overall clean look. Leave the door and window of the bathroom open for a couple of hours to let all the detergent fumes out.

Make sure you repeat this whole process at least once a month to ensure yourself and your family a germ-free sparkling clean bathroom.

Nicole is a housewife and a passionate writer. She enjoys writing about Home Cleaning and Organizing.

For more ideas and suggestions – check out domestic cleaning tips and ideas.

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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at MakeUp Products Online .
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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at <a href=""><strong>MakeUp Products Online </strong></a>.

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