Basic Guide For Positive Connection With Your Child And Grandchild?



How well do we know our kids and grandkids? That’s a powerful question in itself. You may be quick to answer and respond with “real well.” But do you really know them? What are their inner most fears? Their interests? What type of friends do they have or prefer? Can you identify and connect with their best personality traits? And most importantly, what are their specific needs from you as a parent, and as a grandparent?



Sometimes we just get too busy with our jobs, household duties, and life in general (unintentionally of course), that we don’t spend the time we should with our kids. And consequently, we sometimes, as parents and grandparents fail to pick up on primary things or situations that may need addressing. Staying connected with them as we should often times gets tossed aside.



We are all human and from time to time, we all fall short of giving our children the full attention they deserve and need. Perhaps the concept of prioritizing our time is often the solution. Your little ones should be your number one priority, or at least should strive to be. If you find prioritizing your time and consistently staying connected with your kids challenging at times, I have some basic tips for you that may be helpful.



Below are 5 prioritizing and connection tips that will benefit you, your  children and grandchildren





* Read to them and ask questions – Read their favorite books to them, and then ask them questions. Such as; What did you like about the book? Ask them simple yes and no questions about the book. Ask them what other books they might be interested in and encourage them reading to you as well. This teaches them reading and comprehension skills as well as getting to know them better.



* Meet with their teacher on a regular basis – You may want to keep this private (just between you and their teacher). Make sure and schedule regular parent-teacher conferences to stay abreast on how they are progressing in their studies and if there are any conflicts that need your attention. These meetings are crucial for your child’s learning capabilities.



* Schedule a block of time with your child – If you have more than one child, then schedule time with each one. Use this time to do something special with them, like going for lunch or to the park. Have a talk session. Topics can be school, friends, conflicts, or let them just talk to you, if they choose to. Also talk about future goals and interests. Offer to help with school projects and homework. Showing your child how special they are to you and how much they are loved is crucial.



* Plan a family project – This could be a family tree, recipe book, photo album, or other family crafting project. These projects don’t have to be expensive. Make these projects as fun as possible. A family blog may also be an interesting project. The idea is to get them involved in family oriented projects that will encourage bonding and connecting.



* Family meal time – This time should be more than sharing a family meal together. Take this time to just talk to one another. Talk about the day, about weekend plans, the night’s activities, and so forth. Allow each child or family member talk about anything they choose. By doing this, you are staying connected with your children’s lives and also with anything you feel should be discussed. Above all, keep the conversation upbeat and fun for all.



Maybe we don’t know our kids and grandkids the way we think we do. Spend quality time with them. Take the time to genuinely focus on them.



Article Written By Tammy Embrich


Tammy is an Internet marketer, article marketer, and ghostwriter. You can find more parenting and grandparenting articles, tips, and more at Grandparenting Articles and Tips.


Tammy also offers work at home articles, free job leads, work at home tips, and more at Work At Home Jobs.


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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at MakeUp Products Online .
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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at <a href=""><strong>MakeUp Products Online </strong></a>.

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