6 Practical Parenting Tips For Single Moms

By Tammy Embrich

All too often a lot of single moms feel that they have to be “super mom” and not expect or ask for any help. If you are among the super moms, you run a great risk of parenting burn out. We are all human and we all fall short of “doing it all” at some point. Hey, it’s tough enough raising kids as a 2-parent family. That goes double for single parents, especially single moms raising 2 or more children.

So, it is OK to ask for help or support when you’re trying to raise 2 or more kids? It’s not only OK, it is suggested. Remember as a single mom, you have to work hard to bring home the bacon without depending on any child support, whether you are receiving it or not. You never know when that money will run out.

You also have to raise your kids to be compassionate and responsible adults. That’s not an easy task in today’s world. For single moms it is quite the challenge. You are responsible for your child’s schooling, the clothes they wear, the food they eat, and also the air they breathe. Let’s face it, anyway you look at it, that’s a tall order for any single mom raising 2 or more kids.

For the moms out there that don’t think they are “super mom” and are not reluctant at seeking advice, there are a lot of practical things you can do for support in general, financially or otherwise.

Let’s take a look at 6 of those things

* Take good care of yourself – There is so much more to this than one might think. Pay attention to your body and mind. You have to first take care of yourself in order to take care of your kids. Exercise daily. Eat right and drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Get plenty of sleep. Watch your stress levels and try to avoid it at all costs. Smile, try it! It helps relieve stress.

* Join parenting network support groups – These can be in the form of online message boards, support websites, online chat groups, offline support group centers, and your church community.

* Start a parenting journal – This will strictly be for you as a parent and should be kept private. Writing in a journal can be quite therapeutic for some people. You can write about specific goals about parenting, anger management, and even special goals for yourself.

* Consider a roommate – Save a considerable amount of money on living expenses and have companionship at the same time. You will also have someone to swap babysit dates with. Your roommate will watch all the kids for one day, and then you take your turn at it. Beautiful concept if you are all for having a roommate. Some people like living alone and is a preference.

* Always show your love – Of course it’s crucial to your child that they know you love them. But there are special ways of showing your love. Give plenty of hugs, kids love them! Write a special message on a piece of paper and hide it in their school bag or lunch box. Show positive praise. Positive comments and encouragement goes a long way with your child’s self esteem and confidence.

* Discipline – Most often discipline is the most sought after advice for single moms. One important thing I have learned personally is controlling anger. If your child sees you angry while trying to discipline them, this gives them leverage to push your buttons even further. If you don’t get a handle on controlling your anger, you are sunk before you even begin.

“Stick to your guns” is also a famous motto you should always practice. If you tell your child one thing and then back out on it, what good is discipline in the first place?

Use your gut instincts with parenting and stay true to what you believe is the right thing for your children.

Article Written By Tammy Embrich

Tammy is an Internet marketer, article marketer, and ghostwriter. You can find more grandparenting and parenting articles, tips, and personal experiences, as well as photos and recipes at Grandma’s Home Blogger Place

Tammy also offers work at home articles, free job leads, work at home tips, and more at Work At Home Jobs.

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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at MakeUp Products Online .
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Tammy Embrich -- Full time work from home, writer, blogger, YouTube content creator, and LOVES playing with makeup. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grand blessings. You can visit Tammy at <a href="https://www.makeupproductsonline.com"><strong>MakeUp Products Online </strong></a>.

5 thoughts on “6 Practical Parenting Tips For Single Moms

  1. Being a single mother is no small task. Financial help and planning is important at every stage of life but as a single mom you need to now consider your children in your planning as well. A few key things to keep in mind are your job situation, daycare expenses, medical expenses and the cost of education.

    You should always be willing and able to take on a second job to provide for your children. Always be on the lookout for a better job and keep your resume polished up in case you need to hand it out.

    help for single mothers

  2. Thank you for your comments and tips. You brought up some great points. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by

  3. Great tips Tammy. I can't imagine mothering alone. It's difficult enough with a partner and the help of grandparents!

    Love the new site, you're doing a really nice job!

  4. Hey Lori,

    Yes, it would be difficult for sure! Hope these tips here has been of some help to some of the single moms out there.

    Thanks for stoppng by and your complement Lori! Much appreciated. 🙂

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